We’d Love Your Help
“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’?
Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest” (John 4:35).
What is Volunteering?
Here at the Olympia Union Gospel Mission, volunteering is putting faith into practice and serving the Lord Jesus Christ. As a volunteer, you’ll be putting your best foot forward for the cause of Christ. Nothing could be more exciting or rewarding.
To Volunteer: If you meet our Volunteer Qualifications, you should:
Step 1: Contact us at olympiamission@gmail.com or 360.709.9725, and schedule a tour of the Mission. Use this form, and a volunteer coordinator will contact you.
Step 2: Complete the Mission Volunteer application form. If you have a child who would like to join you, that may limit the available volunteer opportunities.
Step 3: Bring your completed form(s) to the orientation. (Blank copies will be available at the orientation)
Volunteer Form:
Ways you can serve as a volunteer:

Life Recovery Center (Day Room)
- Hospitality/dayroom assistant
- Teaching/attending Bible studies
- Teaching/attending 12-step studies
- Kitchen help (cooking/clean-up)
- Serving meal
- Holiday meal help
- Produce, dairy or bread pick-up
- Music (singing, playing instruments)
Life Transformation Program (addiction recovery program)
- Mentoring/Tutoring: Men or Women
- Babysitting at Genesis Acres
- Job coaching
- Housekeeping classes
Clothing Bank Ministry
- No children’s clothes or toys
- No men’s suits
- Clean new or gently used items
- If your donation consists of three or more large boxes, kindly contact us in advance at 360.709.9725, as our clothing donation area has limited space. We appreciate your cooperation.
Fundraising & Community Relations
- Barrels (check-on, pick-up, and drop-off)
- Newsletter writing/proofing
- Marketing
- Event planning
- Grant writing
Mission Administrative Needs
- Office help
- Answering phones
- Computer data entry
- Volunteer program
Dental Clinic
- Dentists, assistants, hygienists, etc.
Vision Clinic
- Optometrists, opticians, etc.
Construction, Building Repair & Maintenance
Vehicle Repair & Maintenance
Other Ways to Participate
Those who hold the Mission up in prayer form the invisible support that makes all we do at the Mission possible. If you would like to become a part of our prayer support team, please call 360. 709.9725 or use our online contact form.
Another way to donate time to the Mission is in the form of your financial support. The Mission does not receive government funding but relies solely on the generous support of individuals, churches, businesses, and private foundations to maintain services. Donate.
Church Involvement
At the Mission, Christians from many denominations work together to help solve the problems of substance abuse, debilitating emotional pain, and poverty. While secular organizations also offer social services, Mission programs offer clients true transformation through Jesus Christ. If you are a pastor or ministry leader and want to learn how your church can help, please call 360-709-9725.
Group Events
Maybe your group would like to volunteer for an event at the Olympia Union Gospel Mission. This may include hosting a holiday party, sponsor a collection drive, leading worship, provide an arts and crafts project for the Mission patrons. There are a number of different opportunities that can provide a rewarding experience in working with God as He works in the lives of people who are totally dependent on His mercy and grace. We offer the following suggestions/guidelines as you consider how God is leading your group to participate with the Mission. – Group Event Guidelines
The Kitchen provides us with greater opportunities to minister to homeless and needy men, women, and children. In order for us to accomplish this mission, we need volunteer teams to help prepare meals. Current openings are 2nd, 3rd, and fourth Tuesday’s of the month and Saturday and Sunday.
Food items we often needed include commodity sizes of the following: Coffee, sugar, brown sugar, creamer, shelf-stable milk, pancake mix, biscuit mix, rolled oats. Items such as cheese, milk, and meat are always needed. Traditional holiday food items.
Hot Meals: Monday – Fridays 6:30am, Noon, & 5:30pm; Saturdays 10am – 11am; Sundays 7:30am & Noon
Questions? Call Karen Robbins at 360-709-9725, ext. 116, or email her at Karen@ougm.org