Over 30 dental professionals volunteer their time.

State of the art dental operatory.
309 Washington St NE, Olympia.

Panoramic digital X-ray machine.

Annual Dental Benefit show held at the Washington Center for the Performing Arts.
Link to video
Link to program
No-Fee Dental Clinic
When you come to the Olympia Union Gospel Mission No-Fee Dental Clinic, you are walking into a state-of-the-art clinic. We have an exceptional staff who are caring and want to make your experience anxious free. All of our dental professionals are from the community and volunteer their services to provide you with the highest quality care. Here is a preview of the clinic, and we look forward to helping you with your dental needs.
It’s hard to imagine living with the pain of an abscessed tooth for a month or more because you can’t afford a trip to the dentist. And even more unlikely to imagine how a trip to the dentist might lead to someone’s salvation. But when a dentist eliminates dental pain, hope and confidence return, creating an open door for the gospel message.
The clinic is funded by generous donations from individuals, churches, and companies, and through corporate and foundation grants; however, the needs are ongoing, so please consider becoming a regular donor to the Mission and keep no-fee care coming for those who would otherwise go without.
Since 2003, the Olympia Union Gospel Mission No-Fee Dental Clinic has been staffed by volunteer dental professionals. The clinic serves over 1,800 patients who are low-income and without the financial resources to pay for care.
The clinic now provides emergency services not only to Thurston County, but also to Mason, Lewis, and Grays Harbor County residents.
If you make too much money to be eligible for State insurance, but not enough to pay for dental care, please call us at 360.943.6400 – we may be able to help.

The Dental Clinic address:
309 Washington St. NE, Olympia
To make an appointment call:
M – W, 8am – 4pm
TH, Fri – 8am- 1pm
309 Washington St NE, Olympia
(No Hablamos Español)
1.Dental floss
2. Tylenol (acetaminophen)
The Dental Clinic has started a new program called Local Impact Network (LIN). The program is designed to help diabetic patients with no dental insurance or means to pay for care. Through research, we know that poor oral health is a contributor to diabetes. The LIN project is designed to help improve the oral health of the patient resulting in lowering A1-c and glucose levels.
Terry was one of the first patients participating in the LIN project. As a diabetic, her teeth were degrading and she contacted the No-Fee Dental Clinic for help. She was so thankful to participate in this new program and felt that “someone cared.”
Your gift to the No-Fee Dental Clinic helps meet the dental needs of individuals in our community that have no access to the urgent care they need. Thank you!
Dental Professional Volunteers & Dental Needs
If you are a currently licensed dentist, hygienist, or dental assistant, please call the clinic for more information – contact Shelley Case at (360) 943-6400.
Dentists can also help by supplying: Lidocaine, protection barriers for chairs, sterilization bags, bibs, adult size toothbrushes, Biotene mouthwash, take-home fluoride treatments, “Prevedent”, small size ACT Fluoride, adult extraction instruments.
To help with any of these needs, contact Shelley Case at (360) 943-6400.
Visit the No-Fee Dental Clinic at 309 Washington St. NE, Olympia.