Remembering & Honoring Your Loved Ones & Friends

In Memory of…

Gilbert Aldrich from Elsie Higgins
Patricia Allen from Robert Allen
Honorata Alverez from Cleofe Miller
Fern Anderson from Douglas & Kristin Dunham
Judith Anderson from Juan Anderson
Ralph Anderson from Linda Plampin
Johnathan Angel from Les Spickler
Dominic Arcuri from Carol Tinkman
Glenna Atwood from Carol Narloch-Gallagher
Leslie Marie Barnes from Michael Dean
Molly Bartley from William Kelley & Dominique Carriker
Eric Barrett from Sharma Drake
Jack Belmont from JG & Ester Penner
Don Berschauer from Elizabeth Abel
-from Alahna Allen
-Tina & Chuck Armijo
-from Ivan & Virgina Ferris
-Duane & Ladessia Jackson
Barb Bishop from Barbara Krulich
Charles Bishop from Sally Dunn
-from Donavan & Darlene Steward
-from Donald & Tana Oldfield
William Bond from Robert Bond
Kaleb Bonell from Viola Cupps
Dominique Boswell from Randy Boswell
Billie Boots from Denise Beegle
Jeanette Bowes from Dr. Terry Bergeson
Marie Bowman from Cherril Bowman
Victor Boyer from Penny Boyer
-from Stephen & Joseph Boyer
-from Jane & Bill Vanderbrook
Linda Briston from Kent & Susan Hernandez
Steve Brooks from Rhonda Brooks
Burslie from Richard & Susan Pitts
Lillian Cady from William & Lorraine Hine
Joe & Jim Capron from Dorothy Payne
Michael Cariaso from James Cariaso
Niomi Carlsen from Stephanie Jones
Beau Casebier from Deanna Davis
-from Cherie Fisher
Victoria Chet from Lum Ang Chet
William Christman from Dawn Hooper
Malama Clidas from Mike & Kim Clidas
Jack Coble from Carol Coble
Rebecca Cody from David Cody
Beverly Conway from Donald Conway Jr.
Bruce Coombs from Bruce & Jimmie Sue Coombs
Orville Curtis from Janet Sheaffer
Robert Curtis from Helen & Anne Curtis
Teresa Curtis from Ray Curtis
Lloyd (Chris) Danielson from Holly Brazel
Barbara Davidson from Karen Close
Sam Davidson from Peggy Davidson
Allen Davis from Janet Davis
Barney Davis from Shirly Davis
Dayton Davis from Deanna Davis
John Doughty from Denise & Terry Nissley
Bill & Ana Downs from Sally Downs
Donald Doyle from Donna Doyle
Ron Drew from Pattie Drew
Scott Drysdale from Joy Vinson
Jennie Dunn from James Dallas
Robert Dunn from Carol Dunn
Richard Dybeck from Marilyn Dybeck
John Eberl from Steven & Mary Eberl
Yip Enoch from Betty Watson
Angie Erickson from Joy Vinson
Eric Ervine from Carol Severson
Rachelle Estabrook from Conner Crawford
Vickie Eva from Douglas Pankret
Louise Evans from Shirley Lower
Leland Fagan from Carol Fagan
Daniel Farver from Cheryl Hisaw
Esther Darlene Ferrell from Bruce & Sheila Mitchell
Laurel Frazier from Peggy Frazier
Alicia Freed from Coryl Clark
Jayne Gates from Jacqui Satchler
Katherine Gentile from Ann Frame
Ruby & Ray Gilmer from Nancy Johnston
Kyle Golson from Bridget Golson
Randall Greggs from Linda Greggs
Winifred & Emory Gruhlkey from Gerard Amato
Cris Gurney from Robert & Tina Gurney
John Hagen from Gilbert & Lillian Austin
Jed Hallum from Kristen Baggett
Matthew Harrington from Diana Ereth
-from Pauline Griffin
Robert Harrington from Anita Harrington
Elizabeth “Betsy” Haubner from Stacey Callaghan
Orlin Heck from David & Alice Elwanger
Jerry Hedwig from Charles & Edith Leary
Beverly Heggie from James Heggie
Rosemarie Heier from Carol Narlock-Gallagher
Mike Hessler from Dorthy Rowley
Karen Hickman from Dan & Joyce Kirkpatrick
David Hill from Chester & Helen Karlson
Martha Jane Hine from William & Lorraine Hine
John & June Hogle from Joyce Bevans
Frances Holland from Maria Bessonart
Jerry Holmes from Ronald & Linda Porter
John Hough from Cindy Hough
Danny Imbruglia from Daniel & Alicia Mayberry
Shirley Ittner from Pam & Richard Egolf
-from Candace Arambur
Don Jackson from William & Lorraine Hine
Calvin Johnson from Christina Swanberg
Tyler Johnson from Scott Johnson
SSG Bobbie Jones from Scott Egan
Shirley Kelly from Maxine Hassler
Patty Kennedy from David Elwanger
Ed, Aurelia & Jeremy Kennish from Mary Osborne
Ronald Kerber from Kathleen Kerber
Stanley Kildow from Diana Kildow
Ellen Kjesbu from Julie Armbruster
-from Erik & Marcia Kjesbu
Joan Kohse from Katy Mayrand
Hilmar Kuebel from Helen Kuebel

In Memory cont…

Mary Lamb from Larse Family
-from Keith Shipman
Ola Lamberson from Ronald Bane
Philip Jerry Lane from Mary Lane
David Larsen from Leilani Larsen
Willard Lathrop from Ivan & Virginia Ferris
-from Carol Hohensee
-from Daniel & Beverly Klapstein
-from Lucile Lathrop
Agnes Lessard from Carol Narlock-Gallagher
Earl Lessard from Carol Gallagher
Leonard Lewis from Gail Fran
Marlene Lopp from Helen Simmonds
James Lower from Shirley Lower
Bill Lukenbill from Denise & Terry Nissley
Connie Lund from Sharon Thompson
Marlene Madden from Richard Madden
Joellen Markel from Kay Nicholson
Loren Merser from Karen Hazelrigg
Beth Parker Maurer from Samuel & Shirley Schofield
Judy McCormack from Theodore McCormack
John McCutcheon Parr from Marilyn Stormans
-from Kathryn Hegtvedt
Donald Miller from Brenda Miller
Lucile Morrison from Roger & Annette Morrison
Gerald Moskwa from Suzette Moskwa
Nancy Moyer from Verne & Sandra Dlugosz
Charlotte Murphy from Karina Murphy
Liz Newport from Make & Sharon Boring
Marian Noonan from Mary Evans
Jerry North from Joyce Horth
Barbara Oldenburg from Mark & Joy Vinson
John Oliver from M Allen Silva
Anthony Owens from Peggy & Sam Davidson
John Parr from Marilyn Storms
-from Kathryn Hegtvedt
Nancy Paulsrude from Peggy Ellison & Roger Sanford
Dave Pearson from Deanna Rauser
Raymond Pentland from Robert & Sharon Pentland
Steve Perdue from Perdue Family
Neva Peterson from Carol Narloch-Gallagher
Marilyn Joann Pitchford from Dudley & Mary Ann Pitchford
Roger Prengel from Anonymous
Bob Porter from Mark & Joy Vinson
LouAnn Reberry from Helen Simmonds
Jim Reid from James Reid
Barbara Roder from Mitchell & Beverly Roder
Elizabeth Sands from Yasmeen Sands
Brent Schenk from Rebecca Forsythe
David Scholl from Sharon Scholl
Leona Schulz from Alice Elwanger
Allen Shanafelt from Joanna Shanafelt
Mary Silva from M Allen Silva
Jim Spaid from Janet Spaid
James Stanford from Mike Ramsey
Ronald Stanger from Diane Stanger
Dean St Ledger from Raymond St Ledger
Ed Swan from Shirley Swan
Valerie M Steffen from Richard Steffen
Kristi Stell from Ann Frame
John Stewart from Patricia Stewart
Ed Swan from Shirley Swan
Cathy & Gary Talley from Eva Johnson
David Tangelman from David & Gayle Tangeman
Ken Tinkham from Carol Tinkman
Charline Tillotson from Roger & Delphine Fisher
Bill Tretheway from Betty Tretheway
Walter Tryhuk from Anne Frame
Harold Tuttle from Mavis Tuttle
Donna Vaughan from Donald Vaughan
Susan Villanueva from William Kelley
Jim Vining from Lenore Vining
-from Thea & Bill Warrington
-Sharon Whitehill
-from LeAnn Bradley
Carl Walter from Forest Covington
Carl Weber from Carol Weber
Harriet Wehnes from Lois Pospisil
Sharon West from Ricky West
Rachel Westbrook from Edward Westbrook
Lance Alan Whipple from Cliff Whipple
Edward Whitfield-Swan from Shirley Swan
Lois Elizabeth Wikane from Patricia Clark
Caroline Wilson from David Wilson
Marion Wilson from Kristen Baggett
Larry Williams from Burgyman Dunn
Charlotte Wiseman from W D & Marcia Naismith
Nathan Zimmerman from Lynette Brandon


Addiction victims from Michelle Karrer
Aunt Dodie from Stephanie Jones
Betty from Shan & Judi Gill
Bob from Robert & Nancy Wing
Dayton from Deanna Davis
Daughter from Kathleen Brungardt
David from Janet Kraus
Johnny from Frances Moellmann
Kathe from Charles & Edith Leary
Lives lost to alcohol & drugs from anonymous
Lucy from Donald LaFord
Milly, Brunell & Nancy from Mary Ketcham
Mom & Dad from Martin & Suzy Kibler
Mom & Dad in heaven from Mary & John Taylor
Mom & Dad Noonan from Mary Evens
Mother (Mary) from Kathleen Beaird
My Aunt Maureen from Kathleen Beaird
Ralph & Lucille from Daniel & Deena Russell
Scott from Richard & Marsha Gayman
Sharon from Ricky West
Steve from Donna Allison
Unknown from Cheryl Talmage
Walt from Deanna Davis

In Honor of…

Krina Allison from Don Wilcox
-Jennifer Aisenberg
Keith Anderson from Christine Sander
Rick Angove from Brian & Margaret Wiliams
James Austin from Jayne Salisbury
Marcie Birdsall from Anonymous
Roy Bryant from Margaret Bryant
Christ Our Hope Anglican Church from Fronda Woods
Lillian Clark from Paul & Sally Henden
Rebecca Cody from Susan Sinclair-Phimister
Lorn & Loretta Conway from John Fischer
Mike Crawford from Kelly Cannon
Orville Curtis from Ray Curtis
Elizabeth Gonzalez from Peggy Anderson
John Carter Gonzales from Anonymous
Grace Community Covenant volunteers from Gail Kelley-Rising
Tracey Harbert from Timothy Harbert
Sylvia Hjelmeland from Kathy Hjelmeland
Ruth & John Holmes from Diane & Sabatino Armbrust
Daniel Houck from Truss Components of Washingon
Jake Hutsan from Chris Gundersen
Jeff & Jeffrinda Iyall from Dan Iyall
Marie & John Johnson from Dan Iyall
Kevin Kier from Tyler Kier
David & Nancy Klein from Morty Klein
Jerry Kvale from Linda Wozniak
Curt Larson from Brian & Margaret Wiliams
Robert Mack from Douglas Mack
Frank Meriweather from Cam Meriweather
Shannon Mziriia from Gregory Strunk
Clifford Nelson from Catherine Ransom
Vickie Pankretz from Douglas Pankretz
Heidi & Retzlaff from La Tonya Hebert
Leah Roadman from Marion Hansen
Rainbow & Jeff Rubatino from Kristen Baggett
Ethan Schiltz from Whitney Lodge
Ron & Kathy Schwartz from Rosaria Cofield
Valinda Smith from Tammy Miller
Loren “Skip” Steffen from Gail Frare
-Scott & Renae Bond
Dan Whipple from Clifford Whipple
Maggie Winter from Norman Winter
Kim Youngeun from Robert Housley


All the People from Chris & Laura Olin
Jesus Christ from Wallace Cain
-Virgil Vasquez
Mom from Virginia Clifford
Those who hunger from Jerrianne Neff

How to Get Your Loved One or Honoree on this List:

You may designate your gift to Olympia Union Gospel Mission in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person or occasion.

In Memory Donations – If you wish us to send a Memorial Donation letter to a third party, please provide the name of the deceased and the name and mailing address of the person to whom the letter will be sent. Please fill in this information when donating.

In Honor Donations – You may give a gift in honor of a milestone – birthday, anniversary, retirement, graduation or other special occasion. If you wish us to an Honorary Donation letter to your honoree, please provide the name and mailing address of the person to whom the letter will be sent, and the occasion you are honoring. Please fill in this information when donating.

If you would like to send in a donation, please make your check payable to Olympia Union Gospel Mission  and send to the following address:

Olympia Union Gospel Mission
PO BOX 7668
Olympia WA 98507