Life Transformation Center

Laundry & Showers


Dining Hall & Day Center

Clothing Bank
Hot Meals: M-F 6:30am, Noon, 5:00pm | Sat Brunch 10am – 11am | Sun 7:30am & Noon
Hot Showers: M 12pm – 4:30pm, T-F, 10:30am – 4:30pm
Laundry: T-F, 10:30am – 4:30pm
Clothing Bank: M W F, 10:00am – noon, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Donation Drop Off : M-F, 9am – 5pm (*see below for donations)
Church Service: Sundays at 1:30pm
There are three things every human being needs to survive: shelter, safety and love. That’s why the Olympia Union Gospel Mission offers the Day Room (Life Transformation Center – LTC). The LTC is open daily and provides free meals and daytime shelter, but more importantly, the LTC is a place where hurting people can find the unconditional love and support they need to make positive life changes. The LTC is a safe place to form healthy relationships, participate in daily Bible studies, and receive crisis counseling. Also available are hygiene services and supplies, monthly haircuts, some benevolence, and emergency clothing.
Church services are held weekly on Sundays at 1:30 with praise and worship and teaching. Contact Steve Smith for more information at 360.709.9725.
If you would like to hold a class, lead music, or offer another ministry in the LTC, please contact Karen Robbins at 360.709.9725.
* The Mission accepts the following donations: coats, blankets, sleeping bags, gym socks, tents, personal-size hygiene supplies (toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, deodorant, etc.), and clothing. Donations are accepted Monday – Friday between the hours of 9am – 5pm.
Open 7 days a week from 8pm – 4:30am
First come, first served by priority:
- The aged and infirmed
- Women
- Men
In 2017 the Mission opened it’s first Cold Weather Shelter operating just during the winter months. The following November the shelter opened again with the plan to close it in March when the weather warmed up, but that didn’t happen. “I began to observe that we were sheltering many people with chronic health conditions, including battling cancer, and in general, older folks. Half the population had some degree of physical disability and no place to go,” shared Skip Steffen, Executive Director. From then on the shelter has been open nightly.
The shelter is completely financed through the generosity of donors. If you would like to give, donate today.
Ongoing shelter needs include camping mats and adult sleeping bags.